Tahmeed Malik Al-Hussaini
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
BUET, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. 
Degree: Ph.D. (SUNY-Buffalo), M.Engg. (AIT), B.Sc. Engg. (BUET)
Interest: Boundary element/ finite element analysis in geomechanics and structural dynamics, Vibration Isolation, Geotechnical aspects of earthquake engineering. Soil structure interaction. Earthquake response of structures, seismic hazard and vulnerability assessment, Traffic induced vibration, Base islolated structure.
Email: tahmeed@ce.buet.ac.bd    



1)      Al-Hussaini, T.M. and Hossain, M.N.A. (2008) " Post-Disaster Management Issues Related to Building Collapse in Bangladesh ", International Disaster and Risk Conference, Davos , Switzerland , CDROM

2)      Al-Hussaini, T.M. (2007) "Seismic Hazard Assessment for Bangladesh ", Invited Paper, International Workshop on Earthquake Hazards and Mitigation, Guwahati , India , Souvenir Volume, 31-45.

3)      Hoque, M.M., Al-Hussaini, T.M. and Ahsan, Q. (2007) edited “Engineering and Technological Education for the 21st Century”, Proceedings, National Symposium on Engineering and Technological Education, published by Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.984-8725-03-2, 149 pages.

4)      Noor, M.A. and Al-Hussaini, T.M. (2007) edited “Proceedings of 2nd International Earthquake Symposium , Bangladesh (IESB-2)”, 125 pages.

5)      Ahsan, R., Ansary, M. A., Al-Hussaini, T. M. and Rahman, S. Z. (2007), “Structural Identification of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge” Proc., Third International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Capetown , South Africa .

6)      Ahsan, R., Ansary, M. A., Al-Hussaini, T. M. and Rahman, S. Z. (2007), “Assessment of the Dynamic Behaviour of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge through Noise Study” Proc., Fifth International Conference on Current and Future Trends in Bridge Design, Construction and Maintenance, Beijing, China.

7)      Al-Hussaini, T.M., Talukder, M.K., Chowdhury, S., Saha, D. and Chowdhury, M.B. (2007) “Site Classification and Seismic Response of Dhaka City Soils”, Proc. 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, Paper no. 1457.

8)      Ahmed, M.Z., Al-Hussaini, T.M., Ahsan, R. and Islam, M.K. (2006) “Seismic Risk Reduction in Bangladesh : The Network Approach”, Proc. Civil Engineering: Meeting the Challenges of Tomorrow (CEMCT-2006), Ludhiana, India, 91-95

9)      Al-Hussaini, T.M. and Hasan, M.R. (2006) “Zonal Seismicity Characteristics in and around Bangladesh”, Proc. 8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, USA, paper no. 1945.

10)  Al-Hussaini, T.M., Alam, M.J., Ansary, M.A. and Khan, A.A. (2005) edited “Proceedings 1st Bangladesh Earthquake Symposium (BES-1)”, published by Bangladesh Earthquake Society and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.984-32-2855-3, 342 pages.

11)  Al-Hussaini, T.M., Talukder, M.K. and Chowdhury, S. (2005) “Geotechnical Considerations for Earthquake Ground Motion in Dhaka City , Proc. 1st Bangladesh Earthquake Symposium, Dhaka , 101-108.

12)  Al-Hussaini, T.M., Habib, A. and Hossain, M.A. (2005) “Multi-Hazard Disaster Reduction in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh , Proc. International Symposium Disaster Reduction on Coasts. Melbourne , Australia .

13)  Ahsan, R., Al-Hussaini, T.M., Ansary, M.A. and Rahman, M.M. (2005) “Identification of Dynamic Parameters of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge in Ambient Transverse Vibration”, Proc. Japan-Bangladesh Joint Seminar on Advances in Bridge Engineering, Dhaka , 1-11.

14)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. and Kalam , S.A. (2005) Rapid Assessment of Flood-Control Embankments Subjected to Seismic Loading, Journal of Abstracts, International Conference on Energy, Environment and Disasters, Charlotte , USA .

15)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. (2005) "Facing the Earthquake and Tsunami Risk in Bangladesh” Proc., Seminar on Tsunami and Seismic Risk – Action for Bangladesh, Dhaka, organized by Military Institute of Science and Technology, April 21, 2005, 31-43.

16)  Clouteau, D., Arnst, M., Al-Hussaini, T.M., and Degrande, G. (2005) “Free Field Vibrations due to Dynamic Loading on a Tunnel Embedded in a Stratified Medium” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 283(1-2), 173-199.

17)  Al-Hussaini, T.M., Ansary, M.A. and Choudhury, J.R. (2004) “Seismic Instrumentation System for Jamuna Bridge”, Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, paper no. 2984.

18)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. (2003) “Critical Elements for Earthquake Disaster in Dhaka City , Proc. 2nd Int. Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia , Tokyo , 379-387.

19)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. (2003) “Earthquake Disaster in Bangladesh with Special Emphasis on Dhaka City and its Mitigation”, Proc. Seminar on Earthquake Monitoring and Loss Mitigation in Bangladesh, Dhaka, organized by Franco-Bangladesh Association of Scholars and Trainees, 50-58.

20)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. and Kalam , S.A. (2003) “Stability of Earthen Embankment Slopes Subjected to Seepage”, Proc. International Civil Engineering Conference on Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Nairobi , 405-410.

21)  Degrande, G., Chatterjee, P., Clouteau, D., Al-Hussaini, T., Arnst, M. and Othman, R. (2003) “A numerical prediction model for ground-borne vibrations from underground railway traffic using a coupled periodic FEM-BEM approach”, Proc. 10th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm .

22)  Al-Hussaini, T., Clouteau, D. and Othman, R. (2003) “Modelling underground traffic induced vibrations”, Proc. 6ème Col. Nat. de Calcul des structures, Giens, France, 235-242.

23)  Chatterjee P., Degrande, G., Clouteau, D., Al-Hussaini, T., Arnst, M. and Othman, R. (2003) “Numerical modelling of ground borne vibrations from underground railway traffic”. Proc. 6th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Ghent , Belgium .

24)  Ali, M.H., Yasin, S.J.M., AI-Hussaini, T.M., Hoque.E. and Ahmed, S. (2002) "Effect of Submergence on Subgrade Strength", in Engineering Concerns of Flood, edited Ali et al., published by BUET, ISBN No. 984-823-002-5, 77-90.

25)  Iqbal, A. and Al-Hussaini, T.M. (2002) “Elastoplastic Isolation System for Performance Based Seismic Design of Bridges”, Proc. ATC-17-2, Seminar on Response Modification Technologies for Performance Based Seismic Design, Applied Technology Council, Los Angeles .

26)  Ansary, M.A., Al-Hussaini, T.M., Sharfuddin, M. and Choudhury, J.R. (2001)  "The 1999 Earthquake in Moheshkhali: A Damage Study", Journal Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , Science, 27(2), 139-149.

27)  Clouteau, D., Al-Hussaini, T.M., Degrande, G. and Hunt, H. (2001)  "Stochastic Modelling of Traffic-induced Vibrations", Proc. 1st Albert Cocquet Conference, Modelling and simulation in civil engineering: from practice to theory, Paris .

28)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. (2001) “Reducing Vulnerabilities in Low-Rise Construction in Bangladesh” Contribution to the first edition of the Global Blueprints for Change, International Workshop on Disaster Reduction, Reston, VA, USA.

29)  Al-Hussaini, T.M., Ahmad.S. and Baker, J. (2000) "Numerical and Experimental Studies on Vibration Screening by Open and In-Filled Trench Barriers", Proc. WAVE 2000 - International Workshop on Wave Propagation, Moving Load, Vibration Reduction, Bochum, Germany, Balkema, 241-250

30)  Ansary, M.A., Al-Hussaini, T.M.and Sharfuddin, M. (2000)  "Damage Assessment of July 22,  1999 Moheshkhali Earthquake , Bangladesh ", Proc., PMC-2000, 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics & Structural Reliability, Indiana , USA .

31)  Ahmad, S.I., Al-Hussaini, T.M.and Choudhury, J.R. (1999) "Earthquake Protection of Jamuna Bridge ", Proc. 6th International Conference on Inspection, Appraisal, Repairs, Maintenance of Buildings & Structures. Melbourne . Australia , p.35-41.

32)  Al-Hussaini, T.M., Seraj, S.M., Islam, M.K., Safiullah, A.M.M. and Choudhury, J.R. (1999)  "A Methodology for Selection of Post-Disaster Shelter", Proc. 2nd Housing & Hazards International Seminar on Affordable Village Building Technologies: From Research to Realization. Dhaka, organized by Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology in Association with the Housing & Hazards Group, Univeristy of Exeter, U.K., p.61-78.

33)  Ali, M.H., Yasin, S.J.M., AI-Hussaini, T.M., Hoque.E. and Ahmed, S. (1999) "Report on Damage of a Road Subgrade During the 1998 Flood", Research Report, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka .

34)  Ansary, M.A., Al-Hussaini, T.M., Sharfuddin, M. and Choudhury, J.R. (1999) "Report on Moheshkhali Earthquake of July  22, 1999 ", Research Report No. BUET/CE/EQE-99-01, Department of Civil Engineering. BUET, Dhaka .

35)  Siddique, A„ Ansary, M.A., AI-Hussaini, T.M., Kabir, M.H. and Islam, S. (1998) "Stability Analysis and Remedial Design of Damaged Sections of Dhaka Flood Protection Embankment", Proc. 13th South East Asian Geotechnical Conference, Taipei , Balkema, 649-654.

36)  Ansary, M.A., Siddique, A., AI-Hussaini, T.M., Kabir, M.H. and Islam, S. (1998) "Soil Investigations at a Dhaka Integrated Flood Protection Project Site", Proc. 13th South East Asian Geotechnical Conference, Taipei . Balkema, 13-18.

37)  Al-Hussaini, T.M., Ahmad, S.I. and Choudhury, J.R. (1998) "Seismic Response Analysis of Base-Isolated Bridges", Proc. 12th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, San Diego , p.430-433.

38)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. and lqbal, A. (1998)  "SSI Effects on Seismic Response of Tall Buildings on Mat Foundations ", Proc. 12th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, San Diego, p.466-469.

39)  Ahmad,S., Al-Hussaini, T.M. and Fishman,K.L. (1996) "Investigation on Active Isolation of Machine Foundations by Open Trenches", Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 122, No.6, 454-461.

40)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. and Ahmad,S. (1996) "Active Isolation of Machine Foundations by In-Filled Trench Barriers", Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. ASCE, Vol. 122, No.4, 288-294.

41)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. and Ahmad,S. (1995) "Reduction of Wave Energy by Hollow and Solid Barriers", Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. Ishihara ed., Balkema, Rotterdam , 517-524.

42)  Al-Hussaini, T.M., Constantinou, M.C. and Zayas,V.A. (1995)  "Superstructure Response of Sliding-Isolated Multi-Story Frame Structure", Seismic Shock and Vibration Isolation, PVP-Vol.319, ASME, 129-137.

43)  Al-Hussaini, T.M., Zayas,V.A.   and Constantinou, M.C. (1995)  "A Sliding Isolation System for the Seismic Protection of Structures", Proc. 2nd International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tehran , Iran . Vol.II, p.1147-1156.

44)  Ahmad,S. and Al-Hussaini, T.M. (1995) "Simple Model for Active Isolation of Machine Foundations by Open Trenches", Proc. 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, St. Louis . Paper No. 11.10, Vol.II,   p.747-752.

45)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. (1995)  "Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Strategies for Bangladesh", Seminar Paper, Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, held in Dhaka, organized by Planning and Development Academy, Govt. of Bangladesh, April 23-24, 1995.

46)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. (1994)  "Recent Developments in Seismic Isolation". Seminar Paper, Seminar on Recent Developments in Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, held in Dhaka, organized by Institution of Engineers Bangladesh in Association with World Seismic Safety Initiative, Dec.6, 1994.

47) Al-Hussaini, T. M., Zayas, V.A. and Constantinou, M.C. (1994) "Seismic Isolation of Multi-Story Frame Structures Using Spherical Sliding Isolation Systems". Technical Report No. NCEER-94-0007, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, State University of New York at Buffalo , NY , USA .

48)  Al-Hussaini,T. M., Zayas,V.A.   and Constantinou, M.C. (1993)  "Seismic Upgrade of Multi-Story Buildings Using the Friction Pendulum Isolation System ", Proc., International Conference on Tall Buildings in Developing Countries, Dhaka . p.75-86.

49)  Zayas.V., Piepenbrock ,T. and Al-Hussaini, T. (1993) "Summary of Testing of the Friction Pendulum Isolation System: 1986-1993", Proc. ATC-17-1, Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control, Applied Technology Council, Redwood. California . Vol.l, p.377-388.   

50)  Ahmad,S. and Al-Hussaini, T.M. (1991) "Simple Design Methods for Vibration Isolation by Wave Barriers”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, St. Louis . Paper No. 11.12, Vol.II, p. 1493-1499

51)  Al-Hussaini, T.M. and Ahmad,S. (1991) "Design of Wave Barriers for Reduction of Horizontal Ground Vibration", Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No.4, 616-636.

52)  Ahmad,S. and Al-Hussaini, T.M. (1991) "Simplified Design for Vibration Screening by Open and In-Filled Trenches", Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No.l, 67-88.

53) Towhata, I. and AI-Hussaini, T.M. (1988)  "Lateral Loads on Offshore Structures Exerted by Submarine Mudflows", Soils and Foundations, Journal of Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol.28, No.3, 26-34.